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Why 3D? Method, advantages, examples

1. it is cost-effective, expandable and fast

If you do the maths, you will see that 3D marketing concepts and advertising campaigns are much more cost-effective than conventional campaigns. At first it costs a little more money to develop a 3D design, but there are still fewer steps involved than organising photo shoots and complete prototypes.

Not only that, but you can also make changes quickly, which simplifies the whole process. Prototypes need time to be produced in perfect condition. Normally, you have to wait at least a few days before you receive a new prototype. With 3D visualisation, on the other hand, you can make major changes in a matter of minutes. And in the long run, you save money through easy customisation and reuse.

Ein Modell, mehrfach verwendet – hier ein Bettrahmen in verschiedenen Größen. Mit 3D eine leichte Aufgabe.

2. High-quality, impressive visualisation

Bilder sind eine effektive Form der Produktvisualisierung. Durch Innovationen sind wir jetzt in die Lage, Produktbildern noch mehr Leben einzuhauchen. Realistische Darstellung von praktisch jedem Produkt oder jeder Idee ist jetzt möglich.

Die Verwendung von Bildern oder Zeichnungen ist sehr gut, aber die Erstellung ist zeitaufwändig, kostenspielig und ist nicht immer so visuell ansprechend. 3D-Modelle können Ihre Idee und ihre Funktionen auf fortschrittliche und ansprechende Weise präsentieren. Sie können das Objekt bewegen und eine 360-Grad-Ansicht des Entwurfs mit seinen tatsächlichen Abmessungen und realistischen Parametern in verschiedenen Kontexten erstellen.

3D-Modell im Milieu mit passender Lichtstimmung

3. Your brand is modernised

A 3D advertising campaign is a great way to stand out from the crowd in a modern and unique way. An important part of any marketing strategy is the ability to keep up with the latest trends. And what’s more modern than using 3D technology to showcase and market your products?

Customers love brands that are not afraid to embrace new trends. Precisely because nobody wants to work with outdated models and strategies. 3D rendering is a unique way to present your ideas, products and concepts.

A brand with a modern expression will be rewarded by search engines. It shows that you are credible, up-to-date and informative – and the search engines, such as Google, like that.

3D Werbeanimation mit Storytelling

4. Control down to the last detail

Attention to detail is the difference between ordinary marketing and advertising campaigns and high quality ones. Photos are a little tricky because if you edit them too much, it will be obvious.

With 3D visualisation, on the other hand, you can edit even the smallest details in a matter of seconds. And 3D renderings also look photorealistic. Your customers will appreciate the effort and enjoy the convenience.

A pleasant side effect: all dimensions are available for all areas: Design, production, marketing. Drawings for assembly instructions, enlargements, detailed illustrations, wireframe models and much more are directly available.

3D Animation: Hier wird das Produkt teilweise aufgelöst, um besondere Details zu zeigen

5. 3D modelling supports better product development

Marketing and production are two crucial processes for the success of almost any product or idea. Since these two areas are interdependent, if you don’t have either area under control, marketing as a whole suffers.

The marketing department is dependent on the operations department because they have to wait for prototypes. And sometimes editing and changing prototypes can take weeks. With 3D animation in advertising and marketing, you can completely remove the dependency between the two departments, increasing efficiency and production.

Whether you work in construction, manufacturing or other industries, 3D modelling offers a better perspective when developing a new product.

Ein 3D-Modell ermöglicht sehr schnell das fertige Produkt zu zeigen

6. You can sell an experience, not just the product

This is one of the most important rules of marketing: don’t just sell and promote the product itself. To really attract your customers, you should sell them an experience or a lifestyle. Products are interchangeable unless you give them an additional purpose and meaning.

Be sure to show how your product will change your customers’ lives. Use 3D renderings to create a mood and atmosphere rather than just a standard product design. 3D animations are extremely versatile and flexible, which is why you can also use them to create anticipation and attract your customers.

3D Bühne in Realfilm eingebunden (inkl. Kamerabewegung) – Camera Motion Tracking (5 sek Ausschnitt)

7. 3D can be easily customised

3D animations are very versatile. The problem with traditional marketing and advertising is that they are usually much more difficult to scale. What if your advertising efforts skyrocket and you suddenly need to revise your entire strategy to meet demand?

3D models can be adapted to any form of advertising. You can use the same model on a business card and on a sign. And the type of media can also be easily customised: Perfect cut-outs, any perspective and much more.

Sie brauchen verschiedene Farben oder Materialien, mit 3D kein Problem.
Sie brauchen verschiedene Farben oder Materialien, mit 3D kein Problem.

8. Ideas are brought to life

There is nothing more effective than presenting your idea correctly and realistically. Prototypes are certainly a good option – but they can be inefficient and time-consuming. 3D product rendering does exactly the same thing, except it eliminates the need for weeks of rework.

realistische Darstellung der Antriebswellen einer Pumpe

9. increase in conversion rates

Because 3D technology is so appealing, it will undoubtedly increase your conversion rates. Both consumers and customers appreciate innovation and effort and are therefore more likely to choose your product. As the market is too saturated, it can be difficult to stand out and sell. The only reliable way to stand out is to introduce something your competitors don’t have – 3D animation and modelling, especially for e-commerce.

Mikroskopisch kleines oder…

10. Keep up with the competition

Competition can be fierce. That’s why you need to make your product or service stand out if you want to keep up with competitors in the industry. Large companies usually have big budgets and are therefore the pioneers. But with 3D, you can make a big impact even with a smaller budge

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